# Licence Administrators
Click on your icon at the top right of the platform and then on โAdministratorsโ.

# What for ?
The Administrators page allows you to add or remove coaches to the chatbot. This tab will allow you to give the coach acess to the platform to one or several defined chatbot(s).
An administrator has access to all the chatbots of a company, while a coach has access to one or several specific chatbot.
The coach is the person who ensures the continous improvement of the chatbot, by teachin it new questions and by improving already existing element of its knowledge (questions, alternatives, synonyms, โฆ )
# How ?
Click on Add a new administrator

Super administrators have access to all chatbots.
If you want to remove an administrator, click on the adress, then on โActiontโ and โDeleteโ.
On the platform's home page, the "Privacy Policies" tab allows you to configure the privacy settings globally for all available chatbots (1) or for each of your chatbots (2) :
- record the identity of users
- record the conversation history
- enable pre-configured queries related to the GDPR

โ Settings Semantic Indexing API V3 โ