# Entities
Click on Knowledge then Entities.

# What for?
Entities are data you want to pull from the question, such as names, dates, product names, or any significant group of words. A question may include many entities.
# How?
Here are the steps to follow to define your own entities using the Witivio platform :
1) Add entities
Click on the Knowledge tab and select Entities.
Add the entities you want here.

2) Attach the detected data to the entities.
It is possible to manage entities from the platform only for the following types of answer:
- Conversation tree
- Power Automate
- Azure Logic Apps
- Webhook
Access your question, add the alternatives and then access the Detections tab.
In order to link a word or a group of words to an entity, right-click on the detection and then on the name of the entity added before.
In the following example, E234 is considered as a ticket number.

A question may include several entities.
Once your knowledge base is enough trained, the detection will be done automatically.
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