# Configuration
Click on Knowledge then Configuration.

# Spell checking, jokes and small talk

Automatic spell checker (1) can be activated or deactivated. When this feature is enabled, the chatbot corrects spelling and typing mistakes.
Business acronyms may also be corrected by the automatic spell checker can also correct them.
In addition, jokes and small talk (common conversations), for example "how are you doing?" (2)&(3) can be programmable via this tab. However, please note that jokes and small talk are only managable by Witivio for all its customers.
Chitchat dowload link (opens new window)
# Scores
The supported confidence scores can also be configured.

The minimum score difference between one question and another in order to start the Active Learning can also be configured.
As a reminder, **the Active Learning is triggered when the chatbot has a doubt about the understanding of the question and several questions in the knowledge base trigger a high score (Scoring rules) (difference of less than 20 points between the different questions).